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Daily Bible Reading | Playing in the Rain

Updated: Oct 25, 2023

Philippians 4:13

Brooklynn (9) read our daily bible reading.

S.A.S. and her bible!
Sawyer (3) and her bible!

Brooklynn read during our daily bible reading time this evening. She asked me before dinner if she could read, and we thought it would be a great opportunity for her to see some bigger words and maybe words she'd never been exposed to before. She did a great job! There were a few words here and there that she struggled with. Being honest, the names in Genesis are hard for almost anybody to pronounce. She was very excited to get to read and asked if she could do it again.

We plan to let her read once or twice a week if she continues to want to, and we are having her pause and ask question when she runs into words she doesn't understand.

Sawyer had her bible and wanted to pose for a picture.

Brooklynn got 150% on her spelling test!!!

She came home from school with an ear-to-ear grin because she got all of her spelling words (10/10 plus 5 bonus words) correct on her spelling test! Brooklynn has always loved school and works very hard at it, but she has recently struggled with her new spelling tests. We are super proud of her for all of the work she has put in to improving and working through the adversity.

The girls loved playing in the rain.

Sawyer in the rain.
Sawyer has to have her "headphones" when she can hear any thunder.

It started raining here today, and the girls loved getting out in the rain and playing in the water, but Sawyer has always hated loud noises (Thunder, fireworks, loud cars, etc.). Anytime there are noises that bother her she asks for her "headphones"

She will sleep in her headphones if it is storming. We're not sure why her ears are so sensitive. The noises don't bother her sister or the puppies, but they do bother the older dogs.

This girl spent all the time she could out in the rain just running around, splashing, and having a blast.

Ellisyn plays in water.
Ellisyn LOVES water.

It took a while for Ellisyn to warm up to the rain, but once she got used to it, it was hard to get her back inside to eat dinner. She absolutely loves playing in the water. The puppies went out with the girls, but Titan really wasn't a fan of the rain. He went back inside quickly, but storm stayed outside and played with the girlies.


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