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Daily Bible Reading | Finishing Genesis

Updated: Oct 25, 2023

Philippians 4:13

My mom (Gigi) went and took pictures of Brooklynn's 3rd grade cheer squad today! Alysha has passionately thrown herself into being a cheer coach this year (I don't know how Brooklynn really feels about her mom being her coach). I believe Alysha has found coaching 3rd graders simultaneously frustrating and rewarding. I keep trying to get her to write a post on here, but she has been slaving away making a few orders for her cookie company "Mama's Royal Sweets" I believe this most recent order is Mickey Mouse heads. She has really seemed to enjoy baking cookies and letting her creative side go wild. Alysha's dream is to own a wedding venue and plan weddings all year round. My wife absolutely loves to plan weddings and parties. You should see the elaborate birthday parties we have around here. The girls absolutely love it. One day I hope to make enough money to build her a wedding venue so she can live out her dream of hosting big fancy weddings

Daily Bible Reading and Finishing Genesis

Today we read the last two chapters of Genesis. I would caution anyone reading through the book of Genesis with their children. It might spark some interesting questions. There is a decent amount of murder, deceit, sexual content, adultery, polygamy, and even some incest. Most of it went over our girls' heads, but we felt it was good to read through the whole bible regardless of the content instead of skipping or watering down parts of it. When Brooklynn has questions, we do our best to explain what was happening and why it was happening.

I know absolutely everyone has different parenting styles, but we felt reading the word of God without diluting it was the best choice for our family. I think comprehension and retention will always be a challenge regardless of how we go about it. The last few days Alysha and I have been trying to slow down and ask the girls if they know what certain words mean. I believe our journey through the bible is going to have the added benefit of greatly expanding Brooklynn's vocabulary.

I took a few things away from the reading today. First was just how big a deal Pharaoh and the Egyptians made when Joseph's father passed away. They respected Joseph and what he had done so much that they went to extreme lengths to honor him when his father passed away. I don't know if that kind of respect abides in Western culture anymore. People are too caught up in themselves and their lives to respect anyone else to that kind of magnitude.

The second thought I want to leave with you is blessings. Fathers blessing their sons is a theme throughout Genesis. As the father laid on his death bed or prepared for his death, he always blessed his sons. Why do you think that tradition stopped, and what do you think the significance was back then?

The book of Genesis stresses how important it is to leave a mark on the world through your legacy and descendants. It was extremely important at that time in the world to "Be fruitful and multiply" we see that time and time again with women giving their maids to their husbands to create male offspring and the long lists of names and descendants. As Christian men in the modern world, how important should it be to us to leave a legacy and inheritance to our children?


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