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Dad Blog | Getting Back into the Gym After Surgery

For as long as I can remember, I have always enjoyed working out, competing, coaching, and helping others with their health, fitness, and athletic aspirations. I would love to open a gym at some point, but that's more just a dream of mine than a realistic possibility. If I could coach football and own a gym, I'd be a happy man. Maybe I'll do that in retirement.

A year or so ago, during routine PT, I slowly started developing some pain and nerve issues in my left arm that eventually led to shoulder surgery (Rotator cuff repair, labrum repair, bicep tenodesis, and removal of some bone shards and tendonitis). I recently got the all clear to get back into the gym and start to stress the shoulder again.

I'm going to try to post on here once a week and share my fitness journey as I try to get back into shape.

This week was my first week back in the gym lifting weights. I didn't stress anything too much. I really focused on general mobility under a load, range of motion, and some medium to light intensity weigh training. I never worked anything past 3 sets of 10-12 and didn't work anything to failure.

I did manage to put up 135 for 3 sets of 10 on bench and the 60# dumbbells for a couple sets of 12 on incline bench. The shoulder moaned and groaned some, but it held up better than I expected it to. I will continue to take it relatively easy as I ease my body and my shoulder back into the gym.

More later!


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