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Freeze Drying | We Finally Have Business Cards!

Since we first decided to go on this adventure, we have been telling each other we need to make some business cards. We weren't in much of a hurry at first since we hadn't set up the shop and most of the people we were selling to are friends. They know how to reach us. Aside from the market we did there just wasn't a push to get them done.

My dad taking some of his favorites to work with him and sharing with his co workers changed that. He said it would be most helpful if he could give people cards when he lets them try things so that they know where to find and reach us. Makes sense. I was telling him Mitchell and I wanted to find a way to put my cookie business and CryoPantry on the same card to help promote both. We talked about designing it to where both logos were on one side and contact info on the other. We just weren't sure yet how we wanted them. My dad gave us the idea to just put Mama's Royal Sweets on one side and CryoPantry on the other... double sided but they each get their own spotlight! Not sure why I hadn't thought about that before, maybe because I've been so busy and it's the holidays and mom brain is real.

Later that day I got on Canva and started creating. I made a couple different versions then ultimately let Mitchell decide which one to print. We ordered them on a Friday and they were on the porch the next Tuesday! I am very glad we went the route we did because they came out better than I expected.

CryoPantry business card

Mama's Royal Sweets business card

We are still trying new things and adding to the shop as we go when we find something we think you will like. This week we made our own seasonings. For now, just garlic powder and onion powder because we use those the most, but we are thinking about some others. What we have noticed already is that they are far more potent than the seasonings you can buy in the store, and you don't need nearly as much of it. Let us know if you'd like to see seasonings added to the shop and if so, what kinds are you most interested in?

Another new one that we have found that we like is mashed potatoes. Once freeze dried, I put them in the food processor and powdered them, essentially making instant mashed potatoes! All you have to do is warm up some water and add as much of the potatoes as you want depending on how think you like yours. You can't tell they were ever dried!

Next we plan to try soups and chili. We will let you know how that goes!

More soon!


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