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Homesteading | Chicken/Bone Broth & Pressure Cookers

We got a pressure cooker years ago, and we are slowly starting to learn more and more uses for it. We just recently started making Chicken/Bone broth. We have been taking all the bones, skin, fat, and leftovers from the rotisserie chickens we buy and putting them in the pressure cooker to make bone/chicken broth.

It's super simple. Toss in all the bones and scraps, add some salt, fill with filtered water (Always try to make sure the chlorine and other chemicals are filtered out) and start the pressure cooker. Lots of different people recommend different cooking times for the broth. I honestly could not tell you the "correct" cook time. We have been cooking ours for 3 hours then letting it sit for at least another 12 hours then we pressure cook it again for another 10 mins or so and let the pressure slowly bleed off on its own.

Our hope was to save a little money on chicken broth and get all the nutrients, flavors and goodness out of all the chicken bits before we toss them.

We just did our first broth batch with the carcasses from the chickens we butchered. We discovered that after pressure cooking them the bones just fall apart! We mashed all the bones up and then dried the mix in the oven. This bone meal/mash is going to go into our dog food.

We try to give our dogs raw meat, raw bones, and plenty of healthy fats in their diets. We are hoping that by adding this bone meal/mash to their diet we will be adding even more crucial vitamins and minerals that are missing from conventional dog kibble/food.

We use this broth in all sorts of stuff we cook even the recipes that don't call for chicken broth, but they need a little moisture added. We either add apple cider vinegar or our broth, but we have been making soo much broth that we've had to start freezing it to use later. Leave a comment and let us know what you do with your broths!

More Later!

~ Mitchell

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