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Mom Blog | Busy Life Update!

HI! Hello

It’s been a minute. Things around here have been a bit busy! We got the freeze dryer up and running, end of cheer season, beginning of basketball, gymnastics, chickens, puppies, getting the house back in order and of course keeping up with general mom things!


I’ll tell you more about the first couple batches and what we’ve learned so far in a full post. But for now, a quick update. It is up and running. We have been enjoying trying new and different things. I’ve joined a few groups on Facebook that have really given me some insight on better ways to freeze dry certain things. So far the favorite thing we have done for the girls is yogurt dots. I can’t blame them, they are delicious! I am very much looking forward to when we design and build a “freeze dry kitchen” because the machine is rather loud and makes hearing the children calling from their rooms or the bathroom, hearing the tv, or hearing each other at the dinner table all much harder.

Skittles after being freeze dried
Freeze dried Wild Berry Skittles


It’s funny how one extracurricular/sport turns into so many. Brooklynn started dance when she was 4. She stuck with it for about 3 and a half years. During that time, she started Cheer. For awhile we were doing both but in 2nd grade she decided to leave dance and just cheer. Dance wasn’t challenging her, and she wasn’t learning enough to move up to the next class but was too skilled for the class she was in. This year she started gymnastics. Part of that decision comes from the fact that she wants to continue cheer for a long time but couldn’t tumble. She has done very well and has advanced to a higher class. With gymnastics and cheer 3 nights a week, we were excited to be getting 2 nights back with cheer ending. Just Kidding!! We decided to start Basketball! Brooklynn has never played before and honestly, I don’t know if she will like it but she wanted to try and we wanted her to experience a team sport. We get one week off then right back into it! Now I get to learn how to be a “basketball mom.” On top of all this, my brother in law, Naithen’s football team goes into playoffs this week!! They are currently the reigning State Champions in 2A football and have an undefeated season. We are very excited to cheer him and his team on hopefully to another victory!


The chickens are 3 weeks old now and growing quickly. They will very soon be too big for the brooder. Mitchell is working on their coop outside so we can hopefully start transitioning them in the next week. The girls still love to go out and check on them. They aren’t into holding them anymore since they aren’t cute and little. They especially love it when we find and catch crickets. Sawyer gets very excited to take crickets out to the chickens and watch them play a game of keep away when the cricket is caught. Storm and Titan are also growing like weeds! I swear they get bigger every day. Titan is still outweighing his sister, but she is steady trying to catch up to him. They are just about completely potty trained. Still have accidents every once in a while, but those have become pretty rare!

2 week old yellow meat chickens
Last week when the chicks were 2 weeks old

big puppies sitting on a bean bag
Big babies, Storm & Titan


The last week or so housework has fallen a little behind with everything else going on so I have spent the last couple days getting the house back in order again. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the house came become a disaster but how long it takes to get back to normal. Also, I’m not sure where all the laundry comes from some days. I have a schedule of how laundry gets cycled so that everyone’s laundry gets done at the same intervals. Sunday- Sawyer & Ellisyn’s laundry Monday- Towels Tuesday- my laundry Wednesday- Brooklynn’s laundry Thursday- diapers Friday- Mitchell’s laundry Saturdays- bedding Even with this schedule somehow by Thursday Sawyer & Ellisyn have over a week's worth of laundry again. Turns out, Sawyer likes wearing 4-6 different outfits a day! We are working on reigning that in. Along with all the cleaning, I have started going through closets, shoes and toys and either packing things away or getting rid of things. That always seems to make a bigger mess before it makes things cleaner and more organized. The living room is also where the girls play and have a toy corner, so I am always looking for a better way to organize and keep their space picked up. Since I will start watching a baby boy in the next week or so I also have been trying to make sure that living room toys are baby friendly and don’t have small pieces or parts. While Ellisyn and Sawyer don’t put things in their mouths, I don’t know if this baby boy does or not and we don’t want to chance anything.

Well, I’ve got to get back to work! We are doing a market this weekend and I have cookies to decorate and freeze-dried candies to package!

More soon!!


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