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Pregnancy Blog | 13 Weeks

If you read our last post, you saw our news. What we didn't share in that post is that we are expecting twins!! What a rollercoaster of emotions it has been since finding out! We have known for a little over a month now and I still look at the ultrasounds on a daily basis to make sure it's real.

twin announcement
Baby Let the Games Begin.. Spaulding Twins Coming Soon

While everyone else has been excited for us, I am just starting to get into the excited phase. I say that not because I wasn't excited just that I have been so miserably sick I haven't been able to be excited about anything. Morning(all day) sickness hit me around 5 and a half weeks and it came with a vengeance. I'll spare you all the details. Just know I lost just shy of 15 pounds because of it. Now at 13+ weeks, it is just starting to ease up enough that I can go about 3 days without throwing up! Of course that is with the help of anti-nausea aids. I still don't have much energy most days and can't stand for long periods of time without feeling lightheaded but overall I am feeling better than I was a couple weeks ago. Little wins.

Going in to my first OB appointment always makes me a little nervous. I think that's pretty normal even when your OB is the doctor you used to work for and she is as amazing as mine is. There's just alot of uncertainties and questions, wanting to make sure everything is okay, etc. This time for me, it was also that at 9 weeks this pregnancy was already very different than any of my others. I was never this sick with the girls. The discoloration and weird patched of dry peeling skin on my face don't usually show up til later on and then there were the very vivid dreams I was having. I had multiple dreams about twins. Mitchell and I joked about it over the years but never thought it would actually happen. Laying on that table when my doctor started the ultrasound, it was immediately obvious. I have also been in enough ultrasounds with her to know her little tells and she paused for just a second then said, "umm.. well.. that's why you've been so sick!" Complete SHOCK! I started laughing and crying.. because my body didn't know what else to do. Remember that post awhile back about how I am a list maker? Well my brain just started running 100 miles a second with things I need to do and figure out and things we would need, etc. Walking out of the office that day, after all my ex-coworkers said their congrats, I just sat and kept having "pinch me. Is this real?" moments. We originally decided we weren't going to tell anyone about it being twin until we did a gender reveal and make it a surprise there's two! A few things changed that. The first being that Mitchell's mom specifically asked, "Is it just one?" and he said we couldn't ignore the question and we couldn't lie. We told her and that was going to be it. BUT we didn't take into account that is Brooklynn and Sawyer know, everyone is going to know. They are not secret keeping kids. So we decided to tell everyone and let Sawyer be the one to announce to family that mommy had two babies in her tummy. Of course, Sawyer put her own spin on that and told everyone I had two baby brothers in my tummy. We don't actually know that yet.

Since that first ultrasound, I have had another. That scan showed they were still growing well and their heart rates were exactly where they were supposed to be. I have another scan next week. I am looking forward to that update. This part of pregnancy is always hard for me because it's too early to feel movement and you're just kind of in limbo. I have very much enjoyed that I get to see the babies more than I normally would with a singleton pregnancy. After our anatomy scan next month I will get monthly scans done to monitor growth.

Some common questions we have been asked recently..

Do either of you have twins in your families?

  • Yes. There are actually twins in both sides of both of our families.

Are you hoping for boys this time?

  • I actually hate this question. I am hoping for two healthy babies, preferably ones who aren't born too early and have to stay in the NICU for an extended period of time. Boys, girls.. honestly it doesn't matter to me. I am going to love them either way.

Do you know if they are identical?

  • No I don't know. I know that they are in their own gestational sacs but beyond that I don't know.

Are you going to find out the genders?

  • Yes. That is the plan. I applaud people who can wait til birth. I am not one of those people.

When is your due date?

  • Honestly, I only really tell family and a couple close friends that. Anyone else my answer is "Late Summer." Even though it doesn't really matter when my due date is because I won't make it to my due date anyway. My doctor and I have already discussed how far is the farthest I will carry if they don't come on their own before that time.

Are you excited?

  • Well of course. But also nervous and scared. It a huge change for our family but also there is so much unknown. For someone that likes to plan that is nerve racking for me.

Do you have names picked already?

  • Nope. We have one boy name. I have a whole list of girl names that I like but Mitchell doesn't feel the same about them. And boy names are a little harder for me to find ones I really love. Good thing we have some time.

Did you take anything that would increase the chances of having twins?

  • Also, no. This is 100% God deciding this is part of our story.

I'll keep you all updated along the way!

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