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Pregnancy Blog | 21+ weeks

Updated: Jul 5

We are past the halfway point! We had our anatomy scan a couple weeks ago. For anyone that doesn't know, anatomy scans are long in-depth scans that look closely at baby's organs and measurements. This scan can take quite some time, especially if baby isn't cooperative with position for all the images needed. With two babies it felt like we were there forever, but I am thankful our ultrasound tech took so much time and made sure she got every look at every organ the doctor needed to make sure the twins are developing well. The only abnormality they found was that one baby has an extra growth on the side of their pinky on one hand. This isn't anything we are worried about and it will be evaluated after birth for removal. Even though we have known genders since about 15 and a half weeks, this scan gave us firm confirmation.

We decided to do a gender reveal for our friends and family during Ellisyn's Birthday party. We figured it would be the best option since most of them would be there already. While I thought it would be funny to have a box with blue balloons float out and then have the last balloons pop up be pink, Mitchell said we shouldn't do that. We knew many people were hoping the twins would be boys and that reveal might upset some. We opted for confetti cannons for Mitchell, Sawyer, Ellisyn and me and a balloon full of confetti for Brooklynn to pop. I found push button cannons that were WAY easier to use and much quieter than the twist ones. As expected, there were multiple people disappointed that we are adding two more girls to our family. I'm honesty not sure why though, as the genders of our babies do not affect them or their lives in any way. The way I choose to look at it is God thinks we are doing a good enough job with the 3 girls we already have that He has entrusted us with 2 more! Besides, these are charted territories. We already know what we are doing with girls so having 2 at the same time is slightly less scary.

The past few weeks have seen some big changes. Not only have I become rounder and more noticeably pregnant, but I have experienced much more discomfort at this point in pregnancy than I am used to. This isn't a big surprise, but I still was not ready to start having so much pain already. Between the round ligament pain, low pelvic pressure, charlie horses and overall fatigue, there are some days that I just don't want to do anything. Of course, that is not an option when you have 3 very active children, 4 dogs and almost 50 two-week old chicks. I have been forcing myself to take it a little easier and rest more often than I am used to. In doing so I have had to come to terms with the fact that housework is going to constantly be behind and there will be some things that won't get done the way I would like them to. Some other changes in the last few weeks are that my appetite has come back and I have started gaining weight back! The downfall is that I get full very quickly and can't eat much at a time. Headaches are still a struggle but they haven't been too awful. And then there's the heartburn. It isn't constantly or even that bad but it is worse than with any of the other girls. I am feeling the babies move all the time now!! That is one thing I never get tired of. It's one of my favorite parts of pregnancy.

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So excited for your twin girls!!! Taking care of all of those things would be a lot on a normal basis, even more while being pregnant, and even more when pregnant with twins! You are so strong! Be sure to let us know when you need help. We can combine our chaos. 💙

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