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Pregnancy Blog | 27+ Weeks

We are just a couple days shy of the 3rd trimester! Part of me feels like this pregnancy is going by so slow and part of me feels like it's gone by too fast. I guess it just depends on the day and how I am feeling.

We have reached the point where I see my regular OB every 2 weeks. I still continue to see the Maternal Fetal Medicine (high risk OB) monthly for growth scans to make sure both babies are growing well. So far, they are growing right on track and doing everything they are supposed to be doing. Each appointment we are told how great they look. At this point I am pretty sure I am as big as I was when I delivered last time so I have never been much bigger than this and I still have a way to go!

This pregnancy has been vastly different than any of the others, as expected with carrying twins this time. I have experienced new things this time around. Early on it was the constant morning sickness. Then I had nose bleeds. Now I have been dealing with things like sciatic nerve pain, far worse round ligament pain than I have ever had, debilitating lower back and hip pain, and wonky labs. It turns out that my ferritin levels are extremely low (16 is considered low and mine is 3) and my hemoglobin and red blood cells are also low. These all being low contributes to my exhaustion, not being able to breathe doing simple everyday things, and my easily getting light headed/dizzy. I will be starting iron infusions weekly to get my levels back up to where they should be.

In lighter and much more fun news, we did some super cute family pictures out on our land and got some gorgeous maternity pictures while we were out there thanks to Kaileyn. We are planning to do some more maternity ones over the next few weeks. I always love when she does our pictures. She does an amazing job and always makes me feel gorgeous! We are also getting ready for my baby shower! That's always an exciting time. I'll make sure to share all about it afterwards.

beautiful family of 5
One of our family pictures

We are pretty much in the home stretch of this pregnancy. That is a little wild to me. Because they will induce me at 38 weeks (if I make it there, but none of us are expecting I will) we have less than 73 days until we meet these babies! Exciting and terrifying all at the same time. Going from 3 kids to 5 is going to be so interesting. We are excited to see who each of the girls will look like, what kind of personalities they will have, etc. I do worry about the transition at home because Ellisyn has always been quite a Mama's girl and gets jealous pretty easily. We are definitely praying for smooth transitions for all the girls.

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