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Raising Cattle | First Cows!

I know I haven't written in a little bit. I was off at a military school, and life has just been a little bit chaotic since I've been home. I will try to write more. As a family we have been working on slowly reducing the amount of toxins in our home and in our food. Because of this, we decided we wanted to raise our own cattle for beef. If we raise them ourselves, we will know exactly what they ate and what medication they were or were not given. It is our hope to raise them free range, 100% grass fed with no medication or vaccines. Our grass and the pastures around ours don't get sprayed for weeds or insects so they should be 100% insecticide, pesticide, and herbicide free. Lance, has been an integral part of the entire "cattle" operation. Without his help we never would have even got our first cow. He has been there every step of the way to making trips out of state, providing advise at all hours of the day, and spending countless nights in sale barns teaching me about cattle/cows.

I have been all over the place on this cattle journey! I didn't know much of anything about cattle when this whole adventure started. I couldn't tell you what a Corrientes was. I didn't know Dexter cattle existed. etc. etc. I knew the very very basics. Cows eat grass and turn grass into beef. I like to eat the beef.

The adventure started with a trip to Arkansas to purchase our first cows! A little herd of Dexter, mini-jersey, and Dexter/Jersey (Belfair) cattle. Lance and I made the trip to purchase 10 cows... well 3 cows, 2 bulls, and 5 heifers. When we got there to load em up, the craziest of the heifers ran THROUGH the fence and out into the pasture never to be recovered. So... we made the trek home with 3 Dexter cows (supposedly bred to a jersey bull), 2 Dexter bulls, 2 Dexter heifers, 1 mini-jersey heifer, and 1 Belfair heifer.... and that was the beginning of the cattle adventure.

Alysha with her cows!
Alysha with her cows!

Sooo much has transpired since then, but I'll try to space these stories of our cattle adventure out so they are slightly easier to read and digest in one setting. It has been a wild ride, and the adventure has really just started... More of our cattle adventure SOON!

~ Mitchell

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